Monday, March 21, 2011


Welcome to Fayetteville, NC!  Time to take a break for the night.  To recount interesting things I saw but unfortunately, was not prepared to take a picture to post:

1. Satan's Tampon.
About a half-hour South of the 34 foot statue of out Lady of Rust Resistance, I spotted a silo-type structure painted white, then overpainted to bear a strong resemblance to Jeff Dunham's Achmed the Dead Terrorist.  Maybe it was supposed to be terrifying.  Maybe it was supposed to be humorous.  I asked a guy at the next rest stop & he said it was a Halloween hauntd house/cornmaze type of place but that the silo, always visable from the highway, and locally it is referred to as Satan's Tampon.

2.  Roadkill Seagulls
Driving across the amazing Chesapeake Bay Bridge & Tunnel contraption, I was dumbfounded by the number of dead seagulls littering the side of the highway.  One of my time-wasters while traveling is to both identify (when possible) and keep a tally of observed roadkill.  I counted 19 seagulls on this lengthy stretch.  It should be noted I recall only ever seeing 1 other victim of vehicle vs. gull. 

3. Whizzing past the Bladder Bunch
Along I-95, which is cluttered with rest stops, truck stops, restaurants, gas stations and various other places with plumbing, there was a line of 6 people (4 male, 2 female), lined up next to their minivan, taking a leak on the side of the road.  Seriously, all 6 of you had to go at once?? And none of you could hold it another quarter-mile till the next Waffle House?? I'm especially talking to you, ladies.  Keep it classy, Ontario (at least that's what their license plate said).

Tomorrow's Sched:
Drive. Stop at South of the Border.  Drive some more.  Then maybe a little more driving.


At March 21, 2011 at 10:34 PM , Blogger Patty said...

Wish I were shotgun playing name that tune. Have a great Vacation!


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